Create a new object of the calculator
staffline where the calculator should be attached
Internal array for the bottomline
Engraving rules for formatting
Internal array for the skyline
Parent Staffline where the skyline and bottom line is attached
Get the plain bottomline array
Sampling units that are used to quantize the sky and bottom line
Get the plain skyline array
Parent staffline where the skybottomline calculator is attached to
This method calculates the Sky- and BottomLines for a StaffLine.
Debugging drawing function that can draw single pixels
Point to draw to
the backend to be used
the color to be used, default is red
go forward through the skyline array and find a number so that we can properly calculate the average
the starting index of the search
the skyline to search through
go backwards through the skyline array and find a number so that we can properly calculate the average
the starting index of the search
the skyline to search through
This method finds the maximum value of the BottomLine.
This method returns the maximum value of the bottom line around a specific bounding box. Will return undefined if the bounding box is not valid or inside staffline
Bounding box where the maximum should be retrieved from
Maximum value inside bounding box boundaries or undefined if not possible
This method finds the BottomLine's maximum value within a given range.
Start index of the range
End index of the range (excluding)
Get the maximum value inside the given indices
Skyline or bottom line
start index
end index (including)
Get all values of the selected line inside the given range
Skyline or bottom line
start index
end index (including)
This method finds the minimum value of the SkyLine.
This method finds the SkyLine's minimum value within a given range.
Starting index
End index (including)
Resets a bottom line in a range to its original value
Start index of the range
End index of the range
Resets a SkyLine in a range to its original value
Start index of the range
End index of the range (excluding)
Update the whole bottomline with a certain value
value to be set
Sets the value given to the range inside the array. NOTE: will always update the value
Array to fill in the new value
start index to begin with (default: 0)
end index of array (excluding, default: array length)
value to fill in (default: 0)
Update the whole skyline with a certain value
value to be set
This method updates the BottomLine for a given range with a given value
Start index of the range
End index of the range (excluding)
Update an array with the value given inside a range. NOTE: will only be updated if value > oldValue
Array to fill in the new value
start index to begin with (default: 0)
end index of array (excluding, default: array length)
value to fill in (default: 0)
This method updates the skylines and bottomlines for mStaffLineParent.
the skylines and bottomlines of mStaffLineParent's measures calculated by SkyBottomLineBatchCalculator
This method updates the SkyLine for a given range with a given value //param to update the SkyLine for
Start index of the range
End index of the range
This method updates the StaffLine Borders with the Sky- and BottomLines Min- and MaxValues.
Updates sky- and bottom line with a boundingBox and its children
Bounding box to be added
Generated using TypeDoc
This class calculates and holds the skyline and bottom line information. It also has functions to update areas of the two lines if new elements are added to the staffline (e.g. measure number, annotations, ...)