The data entries and data lists will be filled with null values according to the total number of staves, so that existing objects can be referred to by staff index.
The graphical measure width will be multiplied by this factor.
E.g. factor 0.6 = 60% will make the measure only 60% as long as before.
Note that this potentially causes issues by counteracting systems like lyrics overlap prevention,
and if you give Vexflow too little width to render it will eventually cause other layout issues too.
This factor is also read by a custom XML attribute osmdWidthFactor in the measure node,
Whether the SourceMeasure only has rests, no other entries. Not the same as GraphicalMeasure.hasOnlyRests, because one SourceMeasure can have many GraphicalMeasures (staffs).
The style of the ending bar line.
The unique measure list index starting with 0.
If this measure is a MultipleRestMeasure, this is the number of the measure in that sequence of measures.
Whether the MusicXML says to print a new page (page break). See OSMDOptions.newPageFromXML
Whether the MusicXML says to print a new system (line break). See OSMDOptions.newSystemFromXML
Check if a Repetition starts at the next Measure.
Calculate all the Instrument's NotesDurations for this Measures.
Check the SourceMeasure for a possible VerticalContainer with all of its [[StaffEntry]]s undefined, and if found, remove the VerticalContainer from the SourceMeasure.
Check if this measure is a Repetition Ending.
Check if this Measure ends a Repetition.
Check at the given timestamp if a VerticalContainer exists, if not creates a new, timestamp-ordered one, and at the given index, if a SourceStaffEntry exists, and if not, creates a new one.
Check if a VerticalContainer, a staffEntry and a voiceEntry exist at the given timestamp. If not, create the necessary entries.
Return the first non-null SourceStaffEntry at the given InstrumentIndex.
Search for a non-null SourceStaffEntry at the given verticalIndex, starting from the given horizontalIndex and moving backwards. If none is found, then return undefined.
Return the existing VerticalContainer at the given timestamp.
Return the index of the existing VerticalContainer at the given timestamp.
true iff some measure begin instructions have been found for at least one staff
This method is used for handling a measure with the following error (in the procedure of finding out the Instrument's Duration): If the LastStaffEntry is missing (implied restNote or error), then go back the StaffEntries until you find a TiedNote (tie Start), which gives the correct MeasureDuration.
Generated using TypeDoc
The Source Measure represents the source data of a unique measure, including all instruments with their staves. There exists one source measure per XML measure or per paper sheet measure (e.g. the source measures are not doubled in repetitions)