Create a new Note and adds it to the currentVoiceEntry
Software like Guitar Pro gives one octave too low, so we need to add one
Create a Tuplet.
Create a new StaffEntryLink and sets the currenstStaffEntry accordingly.
Handle the currentVoiceBeam.
Create new VoiceEntry, add it to given SourceStaffEntry and if given so, to Voice.
States whether the new VoiceEntry (only) has grace notes
Search the tieDictionary for the corresponding candidateNote to the currentNote (same FundamentalNote && Octave).
Find the next free int (starting from 0) to use as key in TieDict.
Calculate the normal duration of a Tuplet note.
Check for open Beams at end of SourceMeasure and closes them explicity.
This method handles the time-modification IXmlElement for the Tuplet case (tupletNotes not at begin/end of Tuplet).
Create Notes and handle Lyrics, Articulations, Beams, Ties, Slurs, Tuplets.
Software like Guitar Pro gives one octave too low, so we need to add one
whether the note should be rendered (true) or invisible (false)
Generated using TypeDoc
Create a new rest note and add it to the currentVoiceEntry.